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Talking to a urologist about erectile dysfunction


For many men, talking about erectile dysfunction can be hard and overwhelming. For the unversed, erectile dysfunction is a condition, where a man is unable to keep up his erection long enough, for penetration. Just because you had a failed erection doesn’t mean you have erectile dysfunction. However, it could be a persistent problem, if ignored. Talking to the right urologist in Queens New York can help you decide on the course of treatment. Here’s an overview of the treatments and other aspects.

Making an appointment

Just like you wouldn’t hesitate about meeting your general physician, you shouldn’t worry about meeting a urologist either. Just find a urologist that you can trust, and you can discuss your problems freely. Just because you have ED, it doesn’t mean that the urologist will put you on medications right away, or would suggest penile implants. It all depends on the underlying causes.

Common treatments

Sometimes, ED is reversible with a few lifestyle changes. For instance, your urologist may recommend you to reduce stress, quit alcohol and smoking, and reduce your weight. In some cases, oral medications are important, which allow for longer erections. The most common one that you may have heard about is Viagra. There are also injectable hormones that are used for treating ED, while hormonal treatments may be considered in some cases. If none of the other treatments work, your urologist may suggest penis implants, although not all men are ideal candidates for the surgery. There are two types of penile implants – hydraulic and semi-rigid. Your urologist will explain the pros and cons of both.

Opening up about erectile dysfunction may seem confusing, but this is a condition that can be treated, and you can feel more confident with your partner. Just do not delay in seeking medical attention and consulting a urologist.


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