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The Best Procedure To Make Yourself Look Younger


If you are searching for a procedure that is designed to turn back time and make you look younger, then you must have come across the facelift or browlift procedure. This surgery will enhance your natural beauty and help you get rid of wrinkles.

However, you need to learn more about these surgeries, before you decide to go through with it. Often times, these procedures will be done together, and if you want to know the outcome, you can check out the before and after brow lift by Dr Hodgkinson as well as for the facelift procedure.


Talk to your doctor!

The procedure

A facelift surgery is also called the rhytidectomy, and this is a surgical procedure designed to make you look younger. It targets the face, and more often than not it is combined with the brow lift. It will reduce the sagging folds on your cheeks and jawline, which inevitably happens as we age.

During the surgery, your doctor will cut on each side of your face, while hiding the scar. After that, your skin will be pulled back just enough to help you get rid of wrinkles and saggy skin. Then, the excess skin will be removed, and you will have the natural contour back.

There is also the necklift procedure, which is called the platysmaplasty, that is often done together with the facelift. This procedure will focus more on the sagging skin on your neck, which is what makes us look much older.

Why is it done?

The facelift procedure is designed to make you look younger, thus those who have a lot of sagging skin and wrinkles on their face often opt for the facelift surgery. The traditional facelift can give amazing results, but it does take some time to recover from the surgery as well.

If you are looking for similar effects but you do not want to have so much downtime, you might want to consider the thread lift procedure instead. The good candidates for the facelift surgery are those who have:

  • Excess skin on the jawline.
  • Sagging appearance of the cheeks.
  • Sagging skin and excess fat on the neck.
  • Deepening fold of the skin on the side of the nose.

However, keep in mind that a facelift is not a surgery for superficial wrinkles, creases around your nose, and irregularities in your skin or sun damage. To learn more about this surgery you can check out most effective face surgery in Sydney or you can just talk to your local doctor instead.


Learn more about the facelift procedure

Final word

There are many different things to be considered when you are thinking about changing something about yourself, however the facelift will just make you look younger. Thus if you are not satisfied with your appearance, schedule a consultation with your doctor and see what your options are; as you might not be a good candidate for some surgeries.


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